
Papakura Timber Processors Limited

Type: NZ Limited Company (Ltd)
Company Number
Company Status
Current address
10 Margaret William Drive
Auckland New Zealand
Physical address used since 01 May 1995
10 Margaret Williams Place
Auckland New Zealand
Registered address used since 01 May 1995
10 Margaret William Drive
Other address (Address For Share Register) used since 18 Oct 2001

Papakura Timber Processors Limited, a registered company, was started on 01 May 1995. 9429038491092 is the NZ business number it was issued. The company has been managed by 5 directors: Max Richard Yungnickel - an active director whose contract began on 01 May 1995,
Thomas Stewart Logan - an active director whose contract began on 01 May 1995,
Pamela Mary Exler - an inactive director whose contract began on 23 May 2003 and was terminated on 05 Dec 2014,
Adrian Gordon Sheldon Smith - an inactive director whose contract began on 01 May 1995 and was terminated on 26 May 2003,
Scott Wallis Colebrook - an inactive director whose contract began on 04 Aug 1998 and was terminated on 30 Sep 2002.
Updated on 16 Apr 2020, the BizDb data contains detailed information about 3 addresses this company registered, namely: an address for share register at 10 Margaret William Drive, Papakura, Auckland (other address),
10 Margaret Williams Place, Papakura, Auckland (registered address),
10 Margaret William Drive, Papakura, Auckland (physical address).
Papakura Timber Processors Limited had been using A G S Smith, 2 Lakeview Road, Takapuna, Auckland as their physical address until 01 May 1995.
A total of 30000 shares are allotted to 2 shareholders (2 groups). The first group includes 22500 shares (75 per cent) held by 1 entity. Next there is the second group which includes 1 shareholder in control of 7500 shares (25 per cent).


Previous address

Address #1: A G S Smith, 2 Lakeview Road, Takapuna, Auckland

Physical address used from 01 May 1995 to 01 May 1995

Financial Data

Basic Financial info

Total number of Shares: 30000

Annual return filing month: October

Annual return last filed: 12 Nov 2019

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Shares Allocation #1 Number of Shares: 22500
Entity (NZ Limited Company) Skylight Holdings Limited
Shareholder NZBN: 9429037478469
R D 2
Shares Allocation #2 Number of Shares: 7500
Entity (NZ Limited Company) The Young Nickel Company Limited
Shareholder NZBN: 9429037380724
Bucklands Beach

Previous Shareholders

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Entity Masaya Holdings Limited
Shareholder NZBN: 9429035974505
Company Number: 1305759
Entity Chalas Road Limited
Shareholder NZBN: 9429037558154
Company Number: 965081
Entity Masaya Holdings Limited
Shareholder NZBN: 9429035974505
Company Number: 1305759
Entity Chalas Road Limited
Shareholder NZBN: 9429037558154
Company Number: 965081

Max Richard Yungnickel - Director

Appointment date: 01 May 1995

Address: Bucklands Beach, Auckland, 2012 New Zealand

Address used since 30 Nov 2006

Thomas Stewart Logan - Director

Appointment date: 01 May 1995

Address: Karaka, Papakura, 2113 New Zealand

Address used since 19 Nov 2015

Pamela Mary Exler - Director (Inactive)

Appointment date: 23 May 2003

Termination date: 05 Dec 2014

Address: Papakura, 2110 New Zealand

Address used since 23 Nov 2009

Adrian Gordon Sheldon Smith - Director (Inactive)

Appointment date: 01 May 1995

Termination date: 26 May 2003

Address: Takapuna, Auckland,

Address used since 01 May 1995

Scott Wallis Colebrook - Director (Inactive)

Appointment date: 04 Aug 1998

Termination date: 30 Sep 2002

Address: St Heliers, Auckland,

Address used since 04 Aug 1998

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