
Holz Work Limited

Type: NZ Limited Company (Ltd)
Company Number
Company Status
Industry classification code
Carpentry, Joinery - On Construction Projects
Industry classification description
Current address
21a Montgomery Street
Stokes Valley
Lower Hutt 5019
New Zealand
Registered & physical & service address used since 25 May 2017

Holz Work Limited, a removed company, was registered on 25 May 2017. 9429046154514 is the business number it was issued. "Carpentry, joinery - on construction projects" (business classification E324220) is how the company has been classified. The company has been supervised by 1 director, named Christof Sacherer - an active director whose contract began on 25 May 2017.
Last updated on 09 Mar 2024, the BizDb data contains detailed information about 1 address: 21A Montgomery Street, Stokes Valley, Lower Hutt, 5019 (category: registered, physical).
A single entity controls all company shares (exactly 100 shares) - Sacherer, Christof - located at 5019, Stokes Valley, Lower Hutt.

Financial Data

Basic Financial info

Total number of Shares: 100

Annual return filing month: July

Country of origin: NZ

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Shares Allocation Number of Shares: 100
Director Sacherer, Christof Stokes Valley
Lower Hutt
New Zealand

Christof Sacherer - Director

Appointment date: 25 May 2017

Address: Stokes Valley, Lower Hutt, 5019 New Zealand

Address used since 25 May 2017

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